Current and future research:

Log out! A theorization of power and resistance within and against digital capitalism. It’s about the central role of worker struggle, sabotage and refusal in any project of future liberation. I organized two conferences on this topic. I am also a co-investigator in the international research collaboration Platform Organizing. And I am trying to write a book titled Log Out!… Maybe one day it will happen.

Capital’s desire. I am researching ways to study not capital’s plans, but rather its desires. It means looking at discourses, fantasies, prototypes and patents coming from digital capital in order to propose a method for studying the techno-social futures capital wants.

Generative labour. Workers whose labour is mediated, organized, and controlled through “AI” tools do not do so passively. They alone generate the novelty that feeds the machine. They can also influence, negotiate, or refuse workplace automation.